I want to be fit as my buddy Jimmy or I want to look like a movie star , we all hear these thing and in a manner these are few things that motivate peple enough to get a gym registration and start working out. They do all they can to achieve those goals but they cant. They lose their motivation and stop working out. Tell others they are using steroids and boosters.
Question is why did they fail in first place? Was he not lifting weights enough or did she skip a mile? Answer is neither. she didn't skip a mile and he was lifting enough weights. But they did messed up in choosing goals and then again messed in choosing the right workouts. Every person has a body type and they have to select goals according to it. There are three different body types
Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs, Endomorphs. All three of them have different metabolism rate have to do different workout routines and most importantly have to eat differently.
Lets discuss them briefly.
Ectomorphs (skinny)
These are the type of people who if inhale doughnuts after doughnuts they wont gain a single ounce.They are good in height but are skinny because they have very fast metabolism rate. These types of people can be really good at long distance running if they want. They face difficulty in gaining muscle mass but good at shedding fats.
Endomorphs (heavey)
The type of people who will gain a pound just by looking a the doughnut. Their metabolism rate is lower. They are short, heavy and strong. People with this body types can be good at heavy weight lifting. but cardiovascular activities are difficult, not impossible, for them. They can increase muscle size normally but have to pay really good attention to their diet.
Mesomorph (athletic)
The type of people who can build muscles when ever they want. They have good metabolic rate not fast as ectomorph and not slow as endomorphs but in between which helps them in building muscles easily than both other types.
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